Beloved community gathered
in North Texas Feb 2-7 with
Grace Imathiu & Loyd Allen
to explore Merton and the
stories and Way of Jesus.
Pastor Grace opened the
scriptures until participants
were stretched to the edge
of new learning.
Dr. Allen walked us to the
edge of true self and false
self through Merton's insights.
In the solitude and silence
spent at the edge together...
in the wash of the rhythm
of daily prayer and worship...
each one present received
fresh bread
for the journey ahead.
...a rich time for
beloved companionship,
silence, stillness, solitude,
healing, wholeness, holiness.
Pictured below: Team with Faculty (L-R)
Katie Newkirk, Kristin Warthen, Judy Holloway,
Bob Holloway, Rev. Grace Imathiu, Linda Keen,
Dr. Loyd Allen, Jerry Roberson,
JoNell Lindh, and Michael Johnston
Katie Newkirk, Kristin Warthen, Judy Holloway,
Bob Holloway, Rev. Grace Imathiu, Linda Keen,
Dr. Loyd Allen, Jerry Roberson,
JoNell Lindh, and Michael Johnston